Threats to Hearing during Summer Time

Threats to Hearing during Summer Time

Everyone enjoys the warm, balmy days of summer. Even though summer brings with it the promise of happy memories in the inviting weather, it also brings with it a host of challenges for those who wear hearing aids. Those with regular hearing may also benefit from some of these hearing protection recommendations, to help us all enjoy the lovely days of summer.

Before we go out in the sun, most of us like to indulge in some skin care by slathering on some sun protective lotion. This can be a big threat for hearing aids, since the chemicals within sun screens and other cosmetics can cause damage to their delicate circuitry, resulting in malfunction or permanent damage. Always wear your hearing aids after you have finished applying all your hair and skin products.

Now that it’s summer, it’s time to attend your favorite band’s concert, but watch out for those loud speakers and crowds! Any outdoor event, be it a concert or a sporting event, usually involves large amounts of crowds and noisy environments, which can damage your hearing. Protect yourself by carrying a pair of ear plugs or ear muffs while attending these recreational outings to help prevent any hearing damage.

Summer is obviously best known for its blaring heat, which can be fun when soaking up some Vitamin D, but can be detrimental for hearing aids. Heat and hearing aids do not go well together, so always store your hearing aids in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight during the summer. Never leave them in hot, enclosed spaces such as the glove compartment of the car or near the window.

Summer vacations are here, which means it’s time to pack your bags and take that next flight out to an exotic destination of your choosing. However, air travel can cause blocked and popping ears, which can be pretty uncomfortable for those with hearing aids and even for those with regular hearing. We tend to have blocked Eustachian tubes due to fluctuations between the outside cabin pressure and internal ear pressure, which is what causes the sensation of blocked, uncomfortable ears. When the pressure equalizes, our ears tend to cause the familiar popping sensation which is the sign that our Eustachian tube has cleared up.

You can relieve the discomfort of plugged ears during the flight by sucking on a piece of hard candy, by swallowing or yawning, which can cause the ears to pop. Always remember to keep your hearing aids on when traveling on the plane since it will enable you to hear all the necessary safety announcements.

Once you get to your destination, you may want to head straight for the beach or take a dip in the hotel swimming pool to cool off. Thanks to modern technology, some hearing aids are made to withstand some exposure to water. However, it is best not to take chances in a foreign destination. This is why it is a good idea to store your hearing aids safely away before you take a swim in the pool or take a trip to the beach.

The beach is doubly dangerous for hearing aids since the salty water coupled with sand particles can lead to permanent damage to your hearing aids. Never touch your hearing aids with sandy hands. Better yet, store your hearing aids safely before going to the beach so that you don’t risk having them fall out while you dip your legs in the soothing water or build sandcastles with your children.

In order to protect your hearing aids from the dangers of water and sand, you can purchase a dry box, which is a waterproof and air tight storage box for your hearing aids. These will keep your hearing aids safe while you enjoy your water-based activity. Always remember to dry your hair thoroughly with a towel or hair dryer before you wear your hearing aids again, because any kind of moisture can damage your hearing aids.

Never forget to take an extra pair of hearing aids as well as spare batteries with you while you travel. Foreign countries may not always have the type of batteries you are looking for, so it is best to be prepared. Keep your hearing aids in top shape and refrain any damage from tropical climates by engaging in daily cleaning routines for your hearing aids. Take your hearing aid cleaning kit along with you when you travel.

Always leave your battery doors open when you store your hearing aids for the night. If you are traveling to an exceptionally humid destination, carry a dehumidifier for your hearing aids to help absorb any excess moisture trapped in the hearing aids. Now that you are all prepared for your summer holidays, why wait?! Start the summer fun now!